CAMAI 2022:

First day - online Google Meet Link: pro-wecy-ayr

 Sesion I (English): 9-12; Break: 12-12.30; Sesion II (Romanian) 12-30 - till the end.

The Conference Program

Second day - Internal Discussions on the future of CAMAI


CAMAI 2021:

Saturday, 27.11.2021

Saturday, 27/11/2021

9.00-9.10: Welcome Message

9.10-9.30: R.Ioan, Vera Myller, Mathematics and Society

9.30-9.50: D. DumitruAbout Mandelbrot and Julia sets

9.50-10.10: Marius Mihailescu, Skills Development for Cybersecurity Industry

10.10-10.30: Stefania Loredana Nita, Blockchain Applications in Computer Communication

10.30-10.50: Cristian Stefan, Nicoleta Iacob, 2021 ARMs race: no RISC attached

10.50-11.10: Petru Kovaci, Andreea Kovaci , Threat Actors & CyberSecurity

11.10-11.30: Laura Ungureanu, Database design: table relations and implementations

11.30-11.50:  Elena Predesel, What students understand by Information Security on the Internet?

11.50-12.10: Diana Tolu , The Importance of Vector Spaces in Combinatorics

12.10-12.30: Mihaela Poienariu, High speed maths

12.0030-13.00: Break

13.00-15.00: Meeting of the board of Research Center in Mathematics and Computer Science: Report on previous research activity and future strategy for 2022

CAMAI 2020:

Friday, 20/11/2020

9.00-9.10: Welcome Message

9.10-9.30: R.Ioan, I. Girip, L. Munteanu, N. Nedelcu, V. Moșneguțu, V. Chiroiu, Some mathematical aspects on muscle tendon function.

9.30-9.45: R. Ioan, G. Albeanu, L. Munteanu, V. Chiroiu, A short briefing on COST Action 18232 in 2020.

9.45-10.30: Fl. Popentiu, G. Albeanu, New Advancements in Computational Intelligence for Information Systems Engineering.

10.30-10.45: D. Dumitru, Z. Savova, V. Stoyanova, Closed balls included in the inverted multibrot and multicorn sets.

10.45-11.00: M.I. Mihailescu, Searchable Symmetric Encryption and Its Applications.

11.00-12.00: A. Beteringhe, Beteringhe’s Method – An Important Tool for Bioinformatics in Sequential Global Analysis.

13.00-14.00: S. Alexe, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Applied to Financial Markets.

14.00-15.00: Break

15.00-18.00: Meeting of the board of Research Center in Mathematics and Computer Science: Report on previous research activity and future strategy for 2021

Saturday, 21/11/2020

9.00-9.15: R. Vlagioiu, Tehnologii eLearning folosite in mediul educational

9.15-9.30: G. Albeanu, About online portfolio evaluation – the PROFORM experience

9.30-9.45:  E. Vasile, Sistemul de securizare a unui obiectiv critic (The security system of a military objective)

9.45-10.00:  C.G.C Turbureanu, P.-E. Barbu, Abordarea agila a proiectelor (AGILE approach of projects)

10.00-10.30: G. Albeanu, Fl. Popentiu, Data-driven Fault Diagnosis Technologies

10.30-11.00: G. Albeanu, New applications of immune algorithms

11.00-11.30: A. Moloiu, Park traffic monitoring and analysis

11.30-14.00: Invited participation (to be announced during event)

14:00 – Concluding remarks 

CAMAI 2019:

Friday, November 15, 2019; Room C207, 15.00-19.00; Chairman: Prof. univ. dr. G. Albeanu
15.00-15.10. G. Albeanu, Welcome message - CAMAI 2019
15.10-15.30. F. Popentiu (invited speaker): Reliability of Modern Engineering Systems - Towards a Safer Word.
15.30-15.50. R. Ioan, G. Albeanu, Șt. Ioan, Gheorghe Marinescu - Viața și opera. 100 de ani de la naștere
15.50-16.10. R. Ioan, On COST action project: CA18232
16.10-16-30. Lect. univ. dr. Benedictos IORGA, conf. univ. dr. Nicoleta IACOB, lect. univ. dr. Luminita DEFTA, The 5g tehnology-security risks and oportunities
16.30-16.50. A. Alexe, On polyhedral computing platform. Applications in Spatial Intelligence

16.50-17.00 Cofee Break

17.00-17.20. D. Dumitru, Mulțimi Mandelbrot și aplicații
17.20-17-40. Nagargoje Sachin, Semi-supervised learning approach to increase the performability of e-commerce platforms
17-40-18.00. Mihaela Poienariu, Importanța E-safety în viața copilului
18.00-18.20. I.G. Duda, Fănel Iacobescu, Outlier detection techniques
18-20-18-40. E. Posdărăscu, Standarde și Tehnologii Multimedia/Multimedia Standards and Technologies
18.40-18.50. Concluding Remarks

Saturday, November 16, 2019; Room C207, 10.00-15.00; Chairman: Prof. univ. dr. F. Popentiu
10.00-10.20. A. Moloiu, Realizarea unui sistem robust de verificare facială pentru sisteme integrate
10.20-10.40. M. Cârlescu, Recunoașterea emoțiilor folosind deep learning
10.40-11.00. Lect. univ. dr. Cristian ȘTEFAN, conf. univ. dr. Nicoleta IACOB, Multicore – more is not always better
11.00-11.20. V.Pătrașcu, Gray Level Image Threshold Using Neutrosophic Certainty
11.20-11.40. R. Ioan, L. Munteanu, I. Girip, Application of particle swarm optimization in robot assisted surgery
11.40-12.00. F. Popentiu, G. Albeanu, A. Moloiu, Neural Networks in Automatic Control
12.00-12.20. S. Alexe, A. Alexe, G. Albeanu, On QML platform

12.20 -13.00 - Cofee Break and STEM oriented discussios

13.00-13.30. C. Lianu, G. Albeanu, I.-G. Rădulescu,  N.-M. Iacob,  Inteligența artificială – impactul la nivel UE asupra productivității companiilor și pieței muncii (Studiu de caz: România).
13.30-14.00. G. Albeanu, M. Mihăilescu, Sistem de Criptare bazat pe Cautare folosind Autentificare Mixta cu Date Biometrice si PIN
14.00-14-30. R. Vlăgioiu, Security in cloud platforms
14.30-15.00. K. Sultănescu, New results on engine game classification.

Saturday, November 16, 16.00-19.00, Concluding Remarks and Follow-up Meeting!
Sunday, November 17, Campus Experience and Social Programs @byTeams

CAMAI 2018: The conference program


