CAMAI 2024

14 - 15 Dec On-line, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Cybersecurity 2030: Are We Prepared for the Next Decade of Cyber Threats?
Practical Applications


The Conference on Applied Mathematics and Informatics is organized by Faculty of Engineering and Informatics from Spiru Haret University and by Research Center in Mathematics and Informatics, affiliated to Central Institute for Scientific Research from Spiru Haret University.

The conference is mainly addressed to researchers in mathematics, computer science and information technologies, and includes theoretical and applied mathematics and computing topics.

The conference takes place in Bucharest, 46Gth Fabricii Street, the location of Faculty. Every year, the conference is dedicated to a major local, national or international event.

The mission of Cybersecurity 2030: Are We Prepared for the Next Decade of Cyber Threats? extends beyond cybersecurity, embracing the interconnected disciplines of software engineering, computational methods, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. This event seeks to provide a multidisciplinary platform where experts, researchers, and practitioners come together to address the complex challenges that span across these fields. By integrating insights from software engineering, computational modeling, and the transformative power of AI and machine learning, the conference aims to drive innovative solutions that enhance the resilience and adaptability of cyber defense mechanisms.

Participants will explore how these fields converge to fortify cybersecurity, from developing robust software architectures to deploying machine learning models capable of real-time threat detection. The event emphasizes the essential role of interdisciplinary collaboration in preparing for the next decade of digital challenges, highlighting how advances in software and computational methods power critical cybersecurity initiatives and how AI accelerates threat prediction, analysis, and response.

Through this mission, CAMAI 2024 aspires to build a collaborative community of forward-thinking professionals dedicated to safeguarding the digital landscape, fostering innovation at the intersection of cybersecurity and emerging technologies, and nurturing the next generation of leaders in engineering, data science, and cyber defense.

In an era where digital threats continue to evolve in complexity, quantum computing and quantum cryptography are set to revolutionize the cybersecurity landscape. The mission of CAMAI 2024 recognizes the transformative potential of these fields, especially as traditional cryptographic methods face increasing vulnerability in the wake of quantum advancements. Quantum computing promises unprecedented computational power that could both advance cybersecurity defenses and, conversely, pose significant risks by rendering conventional encryption methods obsolete.

The conference seeks to highlight the critical importance of quantum-resistant cryptographic solutions and the development of protocols that can withstand the capabilities of quantum-based attacks. By exploring quantum computing’s impact across software engineering, AI, and cybersecurity, CAMAI 2024 aims to prepare participants for the next frontier in secure computing. Embracing quantum cryptography’s promise of unbreakable encryption, the event will delve into current research and practical strategies for integrating quantum-safe measures, underscoring the urgent need for preparedness in an approaching quantum era. This focus not only elevates the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration but also places CAMAI 2024 at the forefront of innovation in secure digital technologies.

The organizers wish this conference to be an important international event in applied mathematics and computing.

The first edition occurs in 2007.

From 2013, the conference includes a special section for History and Pedagogy of Mathematics and Computer Science.

Why Should I Participate in CAMAI?

  • Unique chance to find passionate professors and professionals about their fields
  • Learn from the best in the academia and industry
  • Discover the best tools and practices in different fields of computer science and technologies
  • Meet scientisits, researchers and developers from all over the world
  • Grow your network and gain knowledge
  • Practical workshops with excitment simulations and practical demonstrations
  • After-party lorem ipsum dolor



Grigore ALBEANU, Dr., Professor

CAMAI 2024 Opening

Welcome speech to the participants of CAMAI 2024.
Affiliation: Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, SPIRU HARET University


Rodica IOAN, Dr., Assoc. Prof.

In Memoriam David Emmanuel, Nicolae Abramescu

This lecture pays tribute to two eminent figures in the history of Romanian mathematics, David Emmanuel and Nicolae Abramescu, whose contributions laid foundational stones for mathematical research and education. We will explore their lives, academic achievements, and the legacy they left in the mathematical community. Special focus will be given to David Emmanuel's pioneering work in algebra and mathematical analysis, alongside Nicolae Abramescu's impact on mathematical pedagogy and his role in shaping future generations of mathematicians. Through this retrospective, we aim to celebrate their enduring influence on the development of mathematics in Romania and beyond.

Authors: Grigore ALBEANU, Dr., Professor; Rodica IOAN, Dr., Assoc. Prof.
Affiliaition: Research Scientific Center in Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, SPIRU HARET University


Marius Iulian MIHAILESCU, Dr., Assoc. Prof.

Cybersecurity 2030: Are We Prepared for the Next Decade of Cyber Threats?

The digital ecosystem is changing quickly as 2030 draws near, bringing with it both enormous cybersecurity challenges and previously unheard-of opportunities. This lecture will look at how prepared global cybersecurity frameworks, procedures, and technology are to face the dangers that are anticipated to emerge over the next ten years. We find weaknesses in the present defensive tactics and offer a path to improve cyber resilience by examining trends including the emergence of quantum computing, attacks powered by artificial intelligence, and the growing complexity of Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystems. The discussion will go on to examine ethical, collaborative, and regulatory aspects, highlighting the necessity of flexible approaches that incorporate new technology, updated regulations, and global collaboration. In order to help stakeholders proactively handle new risks and ensure a safer digital future, this paper aims to present a forward-looking assessment of the cybersecurity situation along with practical recommendations.

Authors: Lect. Dr. Stefania Loredana NITA, Lect. Dr. Valentina MARASCU
Affiliaition: Research Scientific Center in Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, SPIRU HARET University

10:45 - 11:00

Cristian STEFAN. Dr., Lecturer

Internet of Bodies. Are we ready for the Matrix?

The Internet of Bodies (IoB) represents the next frontier in the convergence of technology and humanity, where devices integrated with or implanted within the human body collect, transmit, and analyze physiological data. This discussion explores the emerging paradigm of IoB, delving into its technical, ethical, and societal implications. We discuss the transformative potential of IoB technologies in healthcare, enhancing diagnostics, treatment personalization, and preventative medicine. However, these advancements also raise critical concerns about data privacy, cybersecurity, and the potential erosion of human autonomy. Drawing parallels to dystopian narratives such as The Matrix, we question whether society is prepared for a future where human bodies could become mere nodes in a hyper-connected digital network. By analyzing real-world use cases, technological advancements, and regulatory gaps, this paper offers a balanced perspective on the readiness of individuals, organizations, and governments to navigate the opportunities and risks of IoB. Ultimately, we propose a framework for ethical innovation, emphasizing the need for robust safeguards to ensure that humanity remains in control of its digital and biological destiny.

Authors: Lect. Dr. Cristian STEFAN, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nicoleta IACOB
Affiliaition: Research Scientific Center in Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, SPIRU HARET University

11:00 - 11:15

Ciprian RUSESCU, Dr., Lecturer

Profit maximization through post optimal analysis in linear programming

In the last decades, the competition for market survival has become stronger and stronger. Therefore, the decision-makers are under continuous pressure to maximize the operational efficiency, especially in terms of production structure. An eloquent example is represented by the product - mix problem, articulating how to choose among many possible products and quantities to be manufactured while also considering limited resources. The best method to model such a scenario is represented by the Linear Programming (LP) problem, aiming to reach the optimal operational point for all decisional variables. Present paper highlights the fact that in a mixed product scenario we cannot only determine the optimal operational points but also have to provide additional information regarding how those points could be further improved by changing initial problem constraints. This way, the decision makers are guided to efficiently plan the current production growth, taking advantage of under-utilizes capacity of certain constraints in order to extend the availability of those already full utilized. The immediate consequence will be units more efficient utilisaton leading to enhanced aggregate operational profit.

Authors: Ciprian RUSESCU, Dr., Lecturer
Affiliation: Department of Informatics and Social Assistence, "Danubius" International University, Galati

11:15 - 11:30

Marius Paul BOLDEANU, SOC Analyst

Cyber Criminal Profiling System Analysis

The escalation of advanced cyber threats needs new strategies in cyber defense, especially concerning cyber criminal profiling. This research investigates the creation and utilization of a state of the art system, crafted to harness opensource tools and frameworks. The methodology involved creating a virtualized environment utilizing VMware, constitued from an Ubuntu server hosting the Wazuh server and a Windows client running both the Wazuh agent and Sysmon. Integrating Sysmon and Atomics came to the generation of logs important for profiling cyber threats. The development of five useful Streamlit applications is the focus of this paper. These are made to examine Atomics and Wazuh logs, giving real-time insights into the strategies and methods threat organizations employ. The system is a crucial tool for cyber threat assessments since it also generates probabilities for events and permits data exports. Arrange plots are a sort of visualization that the framework gives. These plots give a picture of the cyber danger scene by interfacing methodologies to strategies and related danger bunches. More, the utilize of the jsview Chrome expansion encourages the seeing of JSON records, thus developing the lucidness and understanding of the created information. The venture serious to move forward cyber risk insights and proactive defense strategies by utilizing this improved framework. By highlighting its noteworthiness and affect, this consider has the potential to make strides cybersecurity versatility within the setting of everchanging dangers. key-words: cyber criminal profiling, wazuh, mitre attack framework, sysmon, atomics, streamlit, cyber threat intelligence, cybersecurity resilience.

Authors: SOC Analyst, Marius Paul BOLDEANU
Affiliation: Bit Sentinel, University of Ovidius from Constanta, Romania

11:30 - 11:45


Machine Learning on Plane Flight Ticket Prices

The project predicts ticket prices for plane flights. The solution through which it is developed is part of the Machine Learning category such as the database referencing flight tickets is analysed, preprocessed and the training is done on the obtained model aswell as the testing and evaluation for best predicting the prices regarding flight tickets. The application is an exemplification through which the Python programming language is used and through calling the Random Forest Regression Model from the scikit-learn library. This model runs through epochs of producing percentage based attribute contribution to the evaluation of the ticket prices. Likewise of importance to the implementation is the volume of the dataset and the dimensionality of the sets of data that are input for the analysis because producing the correct result cannot be done without the key attributes.

Authors: Felicia Zamfirescu, M.Sc.
Affiliation: Master Student, Modern Technologies in Information System Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, SPIRU HARET University
Leading Professor: Prof. Dr. Grigore ALBEANU

11:45 - 12:00

Daniel-Robert UNGUREANU, M.Sc.

IoT in Sports and Fitness: Tracking Performance and Preventing Injuries

The project for IoT in Sports and Fitness is an example of using the IoT elements such as mobile phones and smart gadgets between equipment destined for fitness and different metrics which help in understanding human activity. Tracking performance is done through the use of the IoT devices and the injury prevention is done through alerts which will be triggered through the passing of certain threshold values based on the registered metrics from the user exercises and workouts. Those metrics will be managed along the time interval during which the device is working. Tracking performance in fitness is imperative between athletes and amateurs as such it is shown in the project the rate of improvement of the state of the individual which practices sport in such a way that he avoids injuries and can continue his activity without being impeded by accidents and miss out on them with the help of smart gadgets. The mobile app is implemented through the dotnet MAUI stack so that it can be installed and used interactively on common gadgets, those being interconnected among them and synchronized in regards to monitoring the users activity. All the data in the app is sent to a server which holds a ledger of the given activities and it dashboards can be seen and be accesed on the mobile app as well as on the web app and activity reports can be made through both based on the obtained metrics.

Authors: Daniel-Robert UNGUREANU, M.Sc.
Affiliation: Master Student, Modern Technologies in Information System Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, SPIRU HARET University
Leading Professor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marius Iulian MIHAILESCU

12:00 - 12:15

Cristian STANCU, Dr. Scientific Researcher

Scanning System Automatization for Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treatments

In practice, there are many situations where surface processing using plasmas is necessary. In certain situations, from an economic standpoint, it is convenient to use atmospheric-pressure plasmas instead of low-pressure ones (which involve much higher costs for processing or depositing materials). Currently, there are many types of cold plasma sources operating at atmospheric pressure, used for medical applications (for example, cleaning biofilm and bacterial plaque in dentistry or for wound healing), for water decontamination, surface modification, or for the deposition of certain materials. In the laboratory, we used atmospheric pressure radiofrequency plasma sources based on a capacitively coupled RF discharge sustained at a frequency of 13.56 MHz. For atmospheric pressure experiments, we used a special XYZ scanning system on an automatic path. For this, we developed various scanning programs, which were imported into the automatic scanning software of the XYZ table, the computer-controlled table. Using such programs, we managed to achieve much better uniformities and significantly larger scanned/treated/deposited surfaces.

Authors: Cristian STANCU, Daniel STOICA, Catalin Ionut CONSTANTIN, Valentina MARASCU
Affiliation: National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics(INFLPR), 409 Atomistilor Street, Magurele, Romania

12:15 - 12:30

Silviu-Daniel STOICA, Scientific Researcher 3rd Degree Dr.

Plasma Diagnostics by Mass Spectrometry: A Computational Approach

Mass spectrometry's characteristics have raised it to an outstanding position among analytical methods: unequaled sensitivity, detection limits, speed, and diversity of its applications. In analytical chemistry, the most recent applications are mostly oriented towards biochemical problems, such as proteome, metabolome, high throughput in drug discovery and metabolism, and so on. Other analytical applications are routinely applied in pollution control, food control, forensic science, natural products, or process monitoring. Other applications include atomic physics, reaction physics, reaction kinetics, geochronology, inorganic chemical analysis, ion-molecule reactions, determination of thermodynamic parameters (DG?f, Ka, etc.), and many others. Mass spectrometry has progressed extremely rapidly during the last decades, and this progress has led to the advent of entirely new instruments. New high-throughput mass spectrometry was developed to meet the needs of the proteomic, metabolomic, and other 'omics'. The quadrupole mass spectrometer used in our lab is part of a Hiden Analytical EQP 100 system. It consists of three main components: An electronic impact ionization source, a triple filter quadrupole mass analyzer, electronic multiplier detector. The EQP can operate in two modes: Ion+/- (ions can be directly extracted from plasma) and RGA (neutrals and radicals are sampled from plasma) modes. The system is automated and controlled via PC, with dedicated software. In this paper, we used the mass spectrometer system, along with the dedicated analysis algorithms, to investigate details on the stability of W surfaces in relation to exposure to oxidizing molecules (oxygen, water vapor) inherent as impurities or present in the Tokamak due to accidental contaminations under high-temperature conditions and the presence of W+ and (WOx)+ species that can be released into the plasma following the W oxide sublimation phenomenon.

Authors: Daniel STOICA, Cristian STANCU, Catalin Ionut CONSTANTIN, Valentina MARASCU
Affiliation: National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics(INFLPR), 409 Atomistilor Street, Magurele, Romania

12:30 - 12:45

Catalin Ionut CONSTANTIN, Ph.D. Student

Computational Approach in Evaluating the Laboratory Plasma Jet

Cold atmospheric pressure plasma sources remain a key area of research due to their versatility in processing materials in solid, liquid, and gas phases. The applications of cold plasmas are primarily based on the chemical reactions they induce in the environments where they operate (air, water, or in contact with biological or abiotic surfaces). Therefore, it is crucial to understand the reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) generated by the plasma and how the operating environment influences them. In this study, we used computational approaches specific to optical emission spectroscopy (OES), developed and implemented in the MATLAB environment. The implemented algorithms allowed for the correction of measurement data, highlighting the imaging of the plasma jet. The Matlab platform proved to be an optimal tool for analyzing plasma experiments performed in the laboratory. This method is recommended for students in both academic and research domains

Authors: Catalin Ionut CONSTANTIN, Daniel STOICA, Cristian STANCU, Valentina MARASCU
Affiliation: National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics(INFLPR), 409 Atomistilor Street, Magurele, Romania

12:45 - 13:00

Adrian Ionut BERCEA, Dr., Scientific Researcher

Extreme Light Infrastructure Target Engineering

The Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) facility represents a cutting-edge platform for exploring laser-matter interactions under extreme conditions, facilitating advancements in materials science, medical physics, and nuclear engineering. At ELI-NP, targets may be subjected to laser intensities that can exceed 1022 W/cm2. Selecting between a low/high Z material is determined by the specific interaction mechanism of interest, which is essentially given by the: laser intensity I, the wavelength ?, and the material properties such as atomic number Z, electron density ne, and ionization potential Ui. When a high-power laser pulse interacts with a target, the electromagnetic field of the laser interacts with the electrons in the material, mostly through the process of inverse Bremsstrahlung absorption. For high Z materials, the dense electron cloud leads to significant X-ray and gamma-ray generation via Bremsstrahlung as electrons are rapidly decelerated. On the other hand, in low Z materials, laser-induced ion acceleration is a critical process, often described by the target normal sheath acceleration mechanism (TNSA). The energy transferred to ions can be approximated by: E_ion approx 2pn_e d^2, d is the thickness of the plasma sheath. This process is particularly efficient in materials such as Carbon or Hydrogen-rich polymers, where the reduced ion mass allows for higher acceleration under the same laser conditions. Usually targets are made by RF/DC sputtering, UHV e-beam deposition, etc. Target geometry influences the interaction dynamics. Flat foils are standard, micro-structuring gives control on the absorption and energy distribution processes. Targets with microgrooves or nanowire arrays can enhance the laser-matter interaction surface by increasing the absorption coefficient beyond the classical skin depth limit. Targets with a flat surface may lead to a more uniform interaction zone, which can help in producing a more collimated ion beam. Central to ELI-NP experiments is the development of robust, high-repetition-rate targets designed to convert laser energy into particles and radiation with precision. Here we introduce a novel methodology to enhance target manufacturing and align with the ELI-NP's scientific goals.

Authors: Adrian Ionut BERCEA, Marius DUMITRU-GRIVEI, Mihaela FILIPESCU
Affiliation: National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics(INFLPR), 409 Atomistilor Street, Magurele, Romania

13:00 - 13:15

Valentina MARASCU, Lect. Dr. and 3rd Degree Scientist

Transitioning from Plasma Lab to Virtual Plasma: the PlasmaPy open-source framework

Currently, plasma research is integral to society, with applications in many fields like wound healing, thin film fabrication, fusion energy generation, and engines, among others. A plasma is a state of matter composed of charged particles, namely electrons and ions, in contrast to neutral atoms or molecules. By mimicking its behavior, we may enhance or modify the plasma qualities. Utilizing the PlasmaPy open-source environment, we can mimic plasma behavior for certain parameters. PlasmaPy is a Python 3.10+ library created by a team of developers for plasma research and education. It is open source, signifying that its source code is publicly accessible without charge. PlasmaPy serves as a collaborative platform for the plasma community to exchange code and collectively create advanced software tools for plasma research.

Authors: Valentina MARASCU 2,1, Cristian STANCU 2, Marius-Iulian MIHAILESCU 1,3, Stefania-Loredana NITA 3, Catalin Ionut CONSTANTIN 2, Daniel STOICA 2
  1. Scientific Research Center in Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, SPIRU HARET University
  2. National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics(INFLPR), 409 Atomistilor Street, Magurele, Romania
  3. Institute for Computers, Bucharest, Romania

13:15 - 13:30

Valentina MARASCU, Lect. Dr. and 3rd Degree Scientist

Missions in Space: Defending the IoT Devices

The integration of Internet of Things technology in space exploration missions improves spacecraft subsystem management and facilitates the collection of quantitative scientific data. The main aim of this study is to offer a thorough comprehension of the intended operational trajectory. The existing system is deliberately designed to safeguard the well-being of persons in low-gravity environments by monitoring particular physiological parameters, including body temperature, oxygen saturation, carbon dioxide concentration, and pulse rate/blood pressure.

Authors: Valentina MARASCU 1,2, Marius-Iulian MIHAILESCU1,3, Stefania Loredana NITA 3
  1. Scientific Research Center in Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, SPIRU HARET University
  2. National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics(INFLPR), 409 Atomistilor Street, Magurele, Romania
  3. Institute for Computers, Bucharest, Romania

13:30 - 13:45

Stefania Loredana NITA, Dr., Lecturer

Homomorphic Encryption: Transforming Data Security in the Cloud Era

As cloud computing becomes integral to modern data management and storage, the need for robust data security solutions has never been more critical. ?Homomorphic encryption offers a groundbreaking approach that allows computations to be performed directly on encrypted data without requiring decryption, thereby preserving confidentiality and privacy.? This talk will explore the principles of homomorphic encryption, its various types, including partially and fully homomorphic encryption, and its practical applications in enhancing security within cloud environments. We will discuss the challenges associated with implementing homomorphic encryption, such as performance overhead and key management, as well as emerging solutions that address these issues. By showcasing real-world use cases and advancements in the field, this presentation aims to illuminate how homomorphic encryption is transforming data security practices in the cloud era, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected against potential threats while enabling secure data processing.

13:45 - 14:00

Marius Iulian MIHAILESCU, Dr., Assoc. Prof.

From Code to Defense: Workshop on Static and Dynamic Software Security

Understanding and addressing vulnerabilities at every stage of development is the first step towards effective software security. In this interactive presentation, "From Code to Defense" participants learn how to use static and dynamic analysis tools and methodologies in real-world scenarios. Attendees will discover, examine, and fix common security vulnerabilities in software systems through interactive laboratories. Code review, vulnerability detection, runtime behavior analysis, and tool integration into development workflows are among the crucial subjects covered in the workshop. This session, which is intended for developers, security experts, and students, equips them with the knowledge and abilities necessary to go from spotting bugs in code to putting strong defenses against contemporary online threats.


Grigore ALBEANU, Dr., Prof.
Marius Iulian MIHAILESCU, Dr., Assoc. Prof.

CAMAI 2024 Closing Remarks

Closing remarks: Reflecting on insights and charting future directions

CAMAI 2024 Closing Remarks

Submission & Registration

Scientific researchers from the universities, research centers, industry and education institutions are invited to send original research contributions to be considered for review and presentation in CAMAI 2023 sections.

Submission of paper abstracts is equivalent with pre-registration.

Important dates:

  • Submission deadline: November, 30th, 2024
  • Notification due: December 5th, 2024
  • Final version due: December 12th, 2024

Abstracts will be sent as PDF files and will include the following information:

  • title
  • name and affiliation for all authors
  • e-mail for corresponding author
  • abstract
  • keywords
  • AMS or ACM classification

Abstracts will be in English. Abstract length must be between 1 and 2 pages (A4 size).

Abstracts will be sent by e-mail to

Full papers will be made using Latex Guidelines and will be written in English.

Full papers will be sent to to be included in publications as specified in CALL FOR PAPERS.

Final registration will be confirmed by e-mail to

Event Starts In:

Editorial Committee

Grigore Albeanu, Dr.
Dean of Engieering and Computer Science Faculty
Iordan Duda, Dr.
Engieering and Computer Science Faculty

Scientific Committee

  • Prof. Dr. Vasile STAICU, University of Aveiro, Portugal
  • Prof. Dr. Gregory MAKRIDES, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
  • Prof. Dr. Anuradha MAHASINGHE, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
  • Sci. Res. I Dr. Veturia CHIROIU, Institute of Solid Mechanics of The Romanian Academy, Romania
  • Sci. Res. I Dr. Ligia MUNTEAN, Institute of Solid Mechanics of The Romanian Academy, Romania
  • Prof. Dr. Vasile PREDA, University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Prof. Dr. Ion CHITESCU, University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Prof. Dr. Tudor BALANESCU, University of Pitesti, Romania
  • Prof. Dr. Horia GEORGESCU, University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rodica IOAN, Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marius Iulian MIHAILESCU, Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania



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